Summer routine of a housewife. Slow life in a country house. Breakfast alone. House for a kitten.

How was your week? We continue to provide conditions for a comfortable life for our new family member - cat Nyusya. To take an animal into the house means you have taken responsibility for yourself. You must create the best conditions for your pet, surround him with care and love so that he feels at home. Еggplant recipe. Cut eggplant into slices, fry on both sides in oil. Sauce for eggplant.: 2 tbsp mayonnaise, 5 tablespoons sour cream or yogurt, greens: dill, parsley, cilantro - finely chopped. Garlic to taste, squeeze through a press. Mix mayonnaise sour cream or yogurt, add finely chopped greens and mix everything. Put a layer of eggplant, brush with sauce and alternate until the end. You can shift each layer with chopped tomatoes. Raspberry jam: For 1 kg of raspberries - 400 grams of sugar. Cook until thickened, 30-40 minutes. Place in sterilized jars and close the lid.
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