Final Fantasy V Pixel Remaster (PC) - Final Boss and Ending

Time to burn the nihilist tree down. ExDeath’s first form is simple. It can do some physical attacks, some damage spells, and has White Hole to try and instantly kill or petrify a single character. It’s not too hard. Beat it long enough and it’ll change to that total mess called Neo ExDeath. This form is comprised of 4 parts, each with their own HP. It always does the powerful Almagest attack on one of its first turns that does pretty respectable damage and can’t be avoided. Among physical attacks and some spells, it also can do it’s signature move Grand Cross, which produces tons of status effects on the party, or outright kill them. My characters have learned everything because I wanted the credits roll to show all abilities, but it’s hardly necessary. Bartz is my physical powerhouse, Flare Spellblade triples the damage done by physical attacks, and Rapidfire destroys single targets. Lenna and Krile have similar roles, offensive magic with some support on the sid
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