Homesteading Hellroaring Mountain

The upcoming Hellroaring Mountain DLC map is shaping up nicely! Like every game map, it needs a lot of potential den sites. But after making over 90 dens in the other three maps, coming up with some new, interesting dens in HM has been a challenge. Of course we have the standard dirt burrow dens -- the most common type of dens in the real world, along with the tree and rock dens. But how to give some of the Hellroaring dens a fresher look? Inspired by photos of real wolf dens as well as hikes in the wilderness, I came up with several somewhat interesting variations. We’re aiming for a spring release of this DLC map. ___________________ The WolfQuest saga will continue! Stay tuned for more news in upcoming devblogs about it and other new features! Once the game is completed on PC/Mac, we will consider porting the game to other platforms. We do not announce specific release dates. We will release them when they are ready.
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