Перетягивание каната змея против сома из-за живой рыбы в национальном парке Канха. Индия
Snake vs Catfish tug-of-war over a live fish-Kanha National Park
This is the astonishing moment two hungry snakes were locked in a tug-of-war over a live fish. The first Checkered keelback plucked the catfish from a stream in the Kanha National Park in Madhya Pradesh, India on July 20.
It grabbed the victim in its jaws and was lifting it out of the water to eat for lunch when a second keelback reared up and chomped on the tail. I was lucky to take a few Perfectly-timed photographs and video that shows the reptiles tussling over their lunch.
Not only were the two snakes fighting, but the fish was also trying to escape from the predicament - a feat that it managed eventually after 30 minutes. That fish was strong-willed. My passion and hobby is to capture rare moments and seeing this was unbeatable. This was my first time to see a fish that dared to fight a snake.
The three creatures were stuck in the bizarre position for around 30 minutes. The snake holdin
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