Kenneth Grant & Typhonian OTO Tradition

#typhonian #thelema #kennethgrant History and Traits of the Typhonian order, traits of magick and influences on Thelema and Chaos Magick. BECOME MY PATRON! ONE-OFF DONATIONS JOIN MEMBERSHIPS FOLLOW ME: Facebook (Angela’s Symposium), Instagram (angela_symposium), Twitter (@angelapuca11), TikTok (Angela’s Symposium). REFERENCES Bogdan, H. (2012) Envisioning the Birth of a New Aeon. In: H. Bogdan & M. P. Starr eds. Aleister Crowley and Western Esotericism. Oxford, Oxford University Press, –106. LINK: Bogdan, H. & Starr, M.P. eds. (2012) Aleister Crowley and Western Esotericism. Oxford University Press. LINK: Pasi, M. (2006) Ordo Templi Orientis. In: W. J. Hanegraaff ed. Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism. Leiden ; Boston, Brill, –906. LINK: Woodman, J. (2003) Modernity, selfhood, and the demonic : anthropological perspectives on ‘Chaos magick’ in the United Kingdom. Ph.D. Goldsmiths, University of London. Available from: ⚠️ Copyright of Dr Angela Puca, in all of its parts ⚠️ Music by Erose MusicBand. Check them out!
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