7 Year Bitch - A Compilation (2015)

This band has no documentation or whatsoever, despite the fact that they deserve it. So I’ve picked things up, interviews, live performances and music videos of songs that I like the most and put it into a 30 minute film, containing the beings and work of these 5 beautiful women. Songs contained in this film: 0:30 01. Get Lit ( live at Long Beach, 1993 ) 2:30 02. Sink ( live at Bongo studios, 1991 ) 6:29 03. Gun ( live at Bongo studios, 1991 ) 9:42 04. You Smell Lonely ( live at Bongo studios, 1991 ) 14:05 05. Chow Down ( live at Hempfest 1992 ) 17:30 06. Knot ( live in Seattle, 1993... ) 20:26 07. In Lust You Trust ( musicvideo from late 1992 ) 24:46 08. Dead Men Don’t Rape ( live in Long Beach, 1993 ) 28:18 09. Hip Like Junk ( live in Dallas 1994/musicvideo from 1994 ) Credits goes out to the original owners of the materials used in this movie.
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