China: Aussie military aircraft intercepted trying to break into Chinese airspace in South China Sea

MASTV: The Australian Department of Defence said on May 26 that an Air Force aircraft was intercepted by a Chinese military aircraft in the airspace over the South China Sea. Do you have any more comment on this? Zhao Lijian: On May 26, an Australian Air Force P-8 maritime surveillance aircraft entered the airspace close to China’s Xisha Islands for close-in reconnaissance, and continuously approached the territorial airspace of Xisha Islands in disregard of China’s repeated warnings. The Chinese PLA Southern Theater Command organized naval and air forces to identify and verify the Australian aircraft and warned it to leave. The Australian military aircraft seriously threatened China’s sovereignty and security, and the response measures taken by the Chinese military were professional, safe, reasonable and legal. The Australian side sought to confound black and white and repeatedly spread the false narrative which is aimed at inciting antagonism and confrontation. China is firmly against this. We urge t
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