Why Racing Pigeons Are So Expensive | So Expensive

Racing pigeons aren’t the typical bird you’ll find on the city streets. These pedigree birds can sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars. In March 2019, Armando the racing pigeon sold to a bidder in China for over $1.3 million. So what is it that makes racing pigeons so expensive? Special thanks to the Royal Pigeon Racing Association MORE SO EXPENSIVE CONTENT: Why Pedigree Dogs Are So Expensive | So Expensive Why Oil Paint Is So Expensive | So Expensive Why Wagyu Beef Is So Expensive | So Expensive ------------------------------------------------------ #Pigeons #Racing #BusinessInsider Business Insider tells you all you need to know about business, finance, tech, retail, and more. Visit us at: Subscribe: BI on Facebook: BI on Instagram: BI on Twitter: BI on Amazon Prime: Why Racing Pigeons Are So Expensive | So Expensive
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