Dental Pulp Response to Orthodontic Tooth Movement|【Chris Chang Ortho】672

This presentation is to summarize findings in the article titled “Dental Pulp Response to Orthodontic Tooth Movement”. Light continuous orthodontic forces’ primarily impact on PDL, not pulp. Pulp necrosis is resulted from decay, trauma or excessive ortho forces. Clinical guidelines on ortho tx for teeth with periodontal conditions are also provided. 本篇報告在整理Dental Pulp Response to Orthodontic Tooth Movemen這篇文章的重點。微小連續的矯正力量主要是作用在PDL,而非pulp之上。Pulp necrosis通常的成因來自於蛀牙,外傷或是過大的矯正施力。本篇文章也針對有牙周問題的矯正
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