Collective Consciousness played over speeches, marches, military parades, and news clips (reupload)

UPDATE: LETS GOOOOOO youtube reinstated my video after i appealed it old version: Anyways I thought this would be a cool idea, to make a music video out of real life footage for Collective Consciousness from Metal Gear Rising Revengeance Lyrics: The unenlightened masses They cannot make the judgment call Give up free will forever Their voices won’t be heard at all Display obedience While never stepping out of line And blindly swear allegiance Let your country control your mind (LET YOUR COUNTRY CONTROL YOUR SOUL) Live in ignorance And purchase your happiness When blood and sweat is the real cost Thinking ceases, the truth is lost Don’t you worry You’ll be told exactly what to do I give my people the lives they need The righteous will succeed The fires of greed will burn the weak So we’ll make freedom obsolete Making whole the fabric of society Collective consciousness controlled as you will see (MIND CONTROL) Let your country control your soul Let your country control your soul Let your country control your soul Let your country control, your, SOOOOOOOUUUULLLLL!!! collective consciousness music video
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