Israeli Special Forces Self Defense Technique | Tactical Rifleman

Working on a fast draw and presentation from the holster is a very important skill to build and maintain but it’s crucial to have some supplemental open-hand skills to enable you to get to your weapon. When that guy is coming at you with a knife and you’re already at a close range you have to take care of the immediate threat first. These are two of our favorite defenses to two of the most common knife attacks. This can be done safely on the range, but we suggest you break down the training and get comfortable with just the open-hand portion before taking it to the range. As far as target placement… Incorporating skills like these into your training should be done incrementally. We start with the shooter facing the targets and the attacker/instructor is facing the shooter and has his back to the targets. This keeps the shooter oriented within muzzle boundaries at all times. For range safety the target is behind the instructor. If you want to work on turning after disengaging from the bad guy you
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