Learn Hip Hop Dance: The Two Step

How to Dougie: There are multiple different types of two step in hip hop dance, including the basic, double, four corners, stepping out and the type you learned in the Find the Beat lesson. In each of these two steps, you’ll start with your feet touching. Basic Two Step Step to your right with your right foot, then bring your left foot over to meet it. Step to your left with your left foot, then bring your right foot over to meet it. Double Two Step 1. Step to your right with your right foot, then step it back inward, then slightly further outward. While shifting your weight to the right foot, bring your left foot inward to meet your right foot. 2. Step to your left with your left foot, then step it back inward, then slightly further outward. While shifting your weight to your left foot, bring your right foot to meet your left foot. This is the reset part of the move. Four Corners Step your right foot forward and to the right. St
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