Paco Pena in Wrocław (1 IX 2001) - fragment of the concert

Paco Pena in Wrocław as part of the festival Wratislavia Cantans. (1 IX 2001, St. Mary Magdalene Church) - fragment of the concert 0:11 - Leyenda (Peteneras) y Repiqueteos Flamencos (Zapateado) 9:07 - Riomar (Fandangos de Huelva) - with Tito Losada (2nd guitar) 13:37 - Claroscuro (Tangos) - with Tito Losada (2nd guitar) 18:49 - Ayer y Hoy (Guajiras) - with Tito Losada (2nd guitar) Paco Pena on his Gerundino guitar! Enjoy!
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