Freikorps voran 自由軍團前進 (中德字幕)

Freikorps were the key Weimar paramilitary groups active during that time. Many German veterans felt disconnected from civilian life, and joined a Freikorps in search of stability within a military structure. Others, angry at their sudden, apparently inexplicable defeat, joined up in an effort to put down communist uprisings, such as the Spartacist uprising, or exact some form of revenge on those they considered responsible for the armistice. They received considerable support from Minister of Defence Gustav Noske, a member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany. Noske used them to crush the German Revolution of 1918–19 and the Marxist Spartacist League, including arresting and murdering Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg on 15 January 1919. They were used to defeat the Bavarian Soviet Republic in May 1919. (From Wikipedia) 自由軍團是第一次世界大戰後,德國軍隊退出戰場後組成之準軍事組織。它是威瑪時代半軍事組織之一。很多德國戰場老手有感與文官政府脫節,故此加入軍團以求在該軍事單位尋找安穩生活。也有其他軍人不滿戰敗,故想一起打倒共產黨的起義或報復。在獲得國防部長古斯塔夫·諾斯克大力支持下,軍團鎮壓共產黨起事,包括於1919年1月15日謀殺卡爾·李卜克內西與羅莎·盧森堡。軍團也在同年推翻了巴伐利亞蘇維埃共和國。 某些軍團成員於波羅的海、西里西亞與蘇聯作戰,有時候甚至能戰勝正規軍。軍團在1920年被正式解散。某些軍團成員其後於該年3月發動卡普政變,但以失敗收場。 (資料來自於維基) Link of the video: Link of the song: 影片來源: 音樂來源:
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