Amp - Transmigration

Amp - Astralmoonbeamprojcetions (1997) Amp’s second full album wears its shoegazing/blissout roots so firmly on its sleeve you could almost call it a joke -- never mind the album title when individual songs are called things like “Onehopesinuncertainty,“ “Lightdripglow,“ “Stellata“ and “Celestialreturn.“ Then there’s the cover art, washes of liquid that look like both light projections from San Francisco 1967 and Cocteau Twins posters from 1986. But is all this a problem? Based on the great end results, not in the least! Astralmoonbeamprojections is another great effort from the Amp collective, this time around more specifically credited as being the work of Richard and Karine, though the regular collaborators all make appearances as well from track to track. Though the basic modus operandi of Amp remains unchanged from Sirenes, there’s a slight increase in sonic overload -- by no means are speakers being blown out, but there’s a sense of powe
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