Good film about boy scouts on a camping trip at Wisley Park in Surrey.
M/S of the scouts walking through woodland in the snow, fresh snow is falling, they are carrying rucksacks Although they are wearing coats and berets they look very cold with just shorts to cover the top half of their legs.
The narrator tells us that the scouts are from the 2nd Westminster and 20th Ealing troop. Nice M/S of a robin watching the scouts build their camp. Various shots follow of the scouts collecting branches for the fire, erecting tents, and collecting snow to use for water. Two scouts prepare for some orienteering one holds a map while the other holds a compass, they walk off.
Finally, a M/S of two scouts talking, they are taken by surprise by snowball that hits one of them on the back of the head. This starts off a snowball fight between many more of the scouts.
Note: good footage illustrating Britain in the middle of the freezing winter of 1963; see also other stories in this issue - SL.
Cuts exist - se