SPEND AN UNUSUAL DAY WITH ME | life changing routine, guests & studying

I’ve always dreamt about people who surround me disappear for a while so no one would ever disturb me. I think so much complicated than I thought I was. Our first or relatives have gone in my godmother with her daughter also go away because their vacation was off. I always remember words in my head about them to leave as soon as possible. However I’ve never imagined me crying because of their absence. Impasse embarrassed me and actually I wish punishing myself for being so arrogant and selfish. As far as I know, our guests, relatives, far friends who come to see us are precious gifts of the world that make us cheerful and fortunate. I know I’ll only see some of them after a years or several months. I promise, I’ll never make these mistake again… Did you know that telegram is on the 6th place on the top of most frequently downloaded apps in the world? I know that many of you use this app to chill or watching other people’s lives. But if you use Telegram for another purpose. For instance, educating yours
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