Seigneurs Sachiez - French Crusader Song

Arrangement & vocals by Farya Faraji, bagpipe by Antonio Bustabad, lyrics and music by Thibault de Champagne (also called Theobald of Navarre in English). Thibault de Champagne was a 13th century count, later king, and also trouvère. He initiated the Baron’s crusade of 1239-1241, for which this was composed. The arrangement is in accordance with historical principles of Medieval European music. The arrangement is heterophonic, where all the musical lines play the same melody with various degrees of individual ornamentation, all of them improvised spontaneously as per medieval practice. The vocals are highly melismatic and ornamented, as per medieval vocal practice, a subject I analyse more deeply in this video: The instruments used are the bagpipe, played by Spanish musician Antonio Bustabad, the hurdy-gurdy, gittern, lute and a bowed lyra. The pronunciation I used mimicks that of other versions, but I cannot vouch for
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