Hello, can you tell me which one is the female fly?

@MakeGold Hello, can you tell me which one is the female fly? Here are some key points about female flies: - Female flies are instrumental for reproduction in fly species. Only females can lay eggs to produce offspring. - Many female flies mate shortly after emerging as adults. Some store the sperm from mating to fertilize eggs over an extended period. - To lay eggs, females seek out suitable sites like rotting organic matter, dung, or plants depending on the fly species. The eggs hatch into larvae (maggots). - Female flies of some species deposit live larvae instead of eggs through a process called ovoviviparity. - Certain female flies like the tsetse fly can transmit diseases to humans and animals when taking blood meals to nourish their eggs. - Apart from reproduction, the behaviors and biology of female and male flies are generally quite similar within a given species in terms of feeding, lifespan, etc. - Sexual dimorphism, or physical differences betwee
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