Студеникин А.И.-Физика нейтрино.Часть 1- 6. The coherence of neutrino states

The coherence of neutrino states and deriving of the condition under which the phenomena of mixing and oscillations may appear 00:00:15 The coherence in neutrino oscillations 00:09:17 What is the phase difference between 2 mass states arriving to the detector? 00:12:30 Energy momentum conservation 00:27:29 Oscillation length 00:30:00 The physical meaning of the second term 00:34:37 The uncertainty in the phase difference 00:38:17 The coherence length 00:42:14 The number of maximum in the oscillation pattern 00:44:03 Incompability of 2 experiments on oscillations and double peak 00:59:33 Neutrino mixing and oscillations in matter Ссылка на плейлист: #физфак #мгу #студеникин #нейтрино #физиканейтрино #neutrino #msu #physics
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