Erik Morales vs Manny Pacquiao I March 19, 2005 HD 720p 60FPS Fullscreen HBO Replay

I have posted this fight so many damn times now I likely qualify as an Erik Morales groupie. All the other versions on the channel use this same 60FPS video for the base, and then I traded out the HBO commentary for that of other broadcasts. Every now and again I would be asked if there was a way to change the video such that it could be viewed in fullscreen and I had meant to get around to doing that some time ago, but obviously I never got to doing that. So yesterday I asked a question in the community section of the channel to see if it was something you guys really would wanna have access to and I was surprised at the yays it received, hence my now upping this fight for the umpteenth² time. Apologies to those who could care less about this fight, but those folks can also take a hike. I hope to eventually re edit all of the previous uploads of this fight I have on the channel into this viewing format.
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