The All Star They Fear Is You - Smash Mouth x Mick Gordon

I have committed another crime against music and humanity as a whole. I honestly thought my All I Want For Christmas Is DOOM was the only mashup I was able to make, due to so many thing lining up perfectly. However, when I randomly came across @URBANICS Shrek Eternal video, I realised that Smash Mouth’s All Star and Mick Gordon’s The Only Thing They Fear Is You also had a lot of similarities. Obviously, his mashup of the two came MUCH earlier then mine, but I had a few small issues with it. The timing of some of the pieces were off, and they used a highly compressed version of The Only Thing They Fear Is You. I thought I could resoooolve those issues with my access to the in-game files, and so this thing came about. Still, @URBANICS deserves a lot of the credit on this one. Without them, I wouldn’t have realised how similar these two tracks are to another. Another shoutout goes to my brother, Trix (). He has provided me those “whistling“ parts of the track, which is something I could never make myself. He has also given me this image to use. Appearantly, he used some AI to make it? I have no idea how ANY of that works, but it did give me a really good picture to use. All of the thanks, brother. The Only Thing They Fear Is You by Mick Gordon All Star by Smash Mouth Image by Trix () PS: I am still not entirely sure what to name this thing, but this title works for now. PPS: “My world’s on fire, how ’bout yours? That’s the way I like it and I never get bored“ - Some Dude commenting on URBANICS video.
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