Last Work by Ohad Naharin performed by Batsheva Dance Company, 2015

“Last Work“ by Ohad Naharin Performed by Batsheva Dance Company’s dancers, Season 2016-17. Filmed at Théâtre National de Chaillot, Paris. Directed & Edited by Tommy Pascal. Produced by Bel Air Media for ARTE. Original Music: Grischa Lichtenberger Additional Music: Few Mysteries Solved in a Year of Contact - Sagat // Club Life - Hysterics // Crusty Juice - MPIA3 // Volume VIP- Monkey // Nani, Nani, Mummies Baby - Lullabies-of-Europe // Nani, Nani My Sweet Little Baby - Lullabies-of-Europe // Berceuse (Stravinsky) - Clara Rockmore
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