Space Engineers 2023 USS Archimedes VS USS Excelsior

Excelsior MK2 vs Excelsior MK1 and obvious cow says moo. It was an interesting match but I felt a bit like a bully as I adore the Excelsior for all of its quirks. You can do the reverse of this match but it feels like a boss fight. If Excelsior were a bit quicker you might not notice but the Archimedes is much much faster. (To make yours as fast as mine go around the exterior top of the secondary hull with impulse thrusters - some facing down, some forward - some backward, and at the tail area some lateral.) Then just cover them with armor plate. If you need an area for some upward thrust go to briefing room and wipe out the seats by the wall on both sides and make walls of upward thrusters. (I’ll re-release with these mods eventually but why wait?) Also yes it works great in atmosphere - upon release I had assumed it wouldn’t vtol... it totally does even without the additional thrusters. I added them for more forward speed as climbing straight up is tedious and I like to fly a ship from orbit rather than just helicoptering off.
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