EXECUTION of Anton Mussert - NAZI Collaborator & Thief whom HITLER Named “ Fuhrer of Dutch People“

Anton Mussert, the son of schoolteacher Joannes Leonardus Mussert and his wife Frederika Witlam, was born on the 11 May 1894 in Werkendam, the Netherlands. From an early age he showed talent in technical matters and after graduating from school he chose to study civil engineering at the Delft University of Technology. In early January 1913, Mussert’s father died. The 18 year old Anton revered him and fell into a deep depression because of his death. The First World War began on the 28th of July 1914. Mussert was called up for military service and made it to corporal in the fortress artillery. However, a severe kidney disease caused him to be prematurely discharged. At home he was nursed by Maria - one of his mother’s sisters. The 38-year-old Maria and the eighteen-year-old younger Anton conceived a deep affection for each other and, despite all sorts of objections, especially from his mother, Anton and Maria got married in 1917. However, during their marriage, Mussert had several affairs, the m
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