Scissor Seven End Theme Lyrics in English and Chinese

《无论你多奇怪我还是会喜欢你》(ED版) “No Matter How Weird You End Up I’ll Still Like You” (End Theme Version) 《刺客伍六七》第一季,第一集 片尾曲 Scissor Seven Season 1, Episode 1 End Credits Song 词:何小疯 Lyrics: He Xiaofeng 曲:陈文迪 Music: Chen Wendi 编曲:侯俊杰 Arranged by: Hou Junjie 演唱:汪惠莲 Performed by: Wang Huilian 搭飞机坐火车去哪里都好 Taking a plane, riding a train, it doesn’t matter where to 我都觉得精彩 I think they’re both wonderful 清蒸鸡白切鸡&#
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