How to improvise in ANY KEY (and gain an enormous tonal freedom)

The great advantages of using HAND GRIPS - a simple tool for free jazz improvisation. First we’ll learn how we can quite easily improvise in any key. Then we’ll learn to blend different musical scales; we’ll play POLY MODAL and make our jazz improvisation both colorful and exciting - we’ll gain a fantastic tonal freedom and tell a musical story! By the end we’ll go further in depth about the IDEA and CONCEPT of the hand grip. All NewJazz lessons are free, public and for everybody. I have no sponsors and I sell no merchandise. I’m just little me trying to make Music the EPIC CENTER of everything! If you want to help me keep going you are so much welcome to make a small voluntary donation at either or You can also just give me a nice like. Moral support is the best support I can get, really. Thank you so much. Many warm regards from Oliver Prehn University Master degree in Music & MultiУчитесь!
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