WHAT IS THIS: My 38 segment display is designed to nicely display Chinese/Japanese numerals. I call it PEKSEG. ←Here’s the SVG At 38 segments some may ask, “at that point why not just use a matrix display?“ and to them I say, yes... WHY I MADE THIS: I saw Posy’s video on segmented displays and it made me wonder if anyone had tried to make one for Chinese/Japanese numerals. So I looked it up and was kinda disappointed with what I found. There are a lot of designs out there, and some of them are really cool! But pretty much every one I saw had 1 or 2 digits that were a bit wonky looking (either not nicely centred/poor readability, had noticeably smaller or bigger digits, or the whole design was squashed down to counteract some of these issues and looked strange to me) I wanted to see if I could make a design that keeps all the numbers similar sizes, clear, and like they belong
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