Deadbeat - Absence (Official Music Video)

Lyrics I hope one day ill be good enough but I know that day wont ever come I’m sure all my dreams will fall apart cant fill this empty void inside my black heart I’m sick of being a burden I’m just a fucking nuisance I want to end these problems with a noose around my neck you hate me and i cant change that desperation speaks volumes but why the fuck can no one hear me I’m just left hear locked away in this room crowded in this room with my own misery spread my ashes where my happiness used to be free from the torment of the things you did to me I don’t deserve to live put me down to sleep like a noose on my neck you make it hard to breathe you left me abandoned that was your intentions don’t fucking say you miss me when all you did was watch me suffer stabbed me in the back don’t say you won’t do it to others no room for the lies that you spew I’ve become overwhelmed with this endless struggle you’ve always played the victim when I knew all along I should’ve never trusted you Send me to m
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