World War 2: Declaration of Empire unity in war and peace signed at Downing Street (1944)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Empire Premiers are guests of General Eisenhower before conference ends. Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Empire Premiers Plan For Victory and Peace ENGLAND: London: Downing Street: EXT LV Churchill and Prime Ministers cheering with crowd pan to people. SV MacKenzie King holds little girl’s hand. CU soldier with mine detector apparatus pan to other soldier lying on ground digging. SV MacKenzie King and Hudson pan to Churchill officers in B-g. LV Churchill and party in jeep drive away. SV Churchill shakes hands with Eisenhower, and Smuts shakes with Eisenhower, train in platform. SCU Eisenhower talking to Churchill looks down at Siren Suit pan to Churchill showing siren suit Churchill and Dominion Prime Ministers signing agreement in Downing Street. SV MacK
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