Alfredo Kraus - O del mio dolce ardor. Gluck.

X Festival Internacional de Música y Danza “Ciudad de Úbeda“ Auditorio del Hospital de Santiago. De Paride ed Elena de Gluck. 29 mayo de 1998. O del mio dolce ardor bramato oggetto! Oh of [the] my sweet ardor desired (longed) object L’aura che tu respiri alfin respiro. the aura that you breathe at last I breathe. Ovunque il guardo io giro Everywhere [the] (my) glance I turn Le tue vaghe sembianze [the] your vague (elusive) features Amore in me dipinge, Love [in] (for) me paints; Il mio pensier si finge [the] my thought [to itself] pretends (imagines) Le piu liete speranze, the most happy hopes E nel desio che cosi m’empie il petto and in the longing which thus [to me] fills [the] (my) bosom, Cerco te, chiamo te, spero e sospiro! I seek you, I call you, I hope and I sigh!
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