Doctor Who: The Five Doctors (1983). “It Was Twenty Years Ago Today.“

#DoctorWho Stam Fine Reviews looks at a 90 minute special episode celebrating Doctor Who’s 20th Anniversary Special: The Five Doctors. Doctor Who turned 20 in 1983, BBC shows a 20th Anniversary Special celebrating 20 years on or near the actually anniversary date in November of ’83. 83 - 20 = 63. Twenty, zwanzig, viente, vingt, viginti, etc. The Five Doctors, which saw four Doctors team up (!) to defeat whoever has kidnapped them from their various time streams. The Five Doctors saw Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor joined by some of his predecessors, Jon Pertwee, Patrick Troughton, and Richard Hurndall replacing the late William Hartnell. Tom Baker couldn’t make it as he had missed the last train and was washing his hair that day and there was a terrible storm and then there were the killer bees. Shopping Links (Supports this Channel) US Canada Australia/ NZ UK FR https
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