Clap Sounds of Northern Lights? - Sound Source 70m Above Ground Level

Research website: Research paper published in The 19th International Congress of Sound and Vibration, At Vilnius, Lithuania 2012. INFO: This eight second video is extracted from a set of test recordings that have been collected within the Auroral Acoustics project (2000-2012). During this time period high-quality audio recordings were made during approximately 100 geomagnetically opportune nights at different locations in Finland. These recordings form a database that is half a terabyte in size. This short clip has been selected from some video recording experiments that were performed during some nights simultaneously and independently of the main activities. Even though this video was recorded in 2004, the clap sound (at 8 and 31 seconds) was discovered only in May 2012 when the material was copied from DV tapes to disc. This is the first time during our project history when a clap sound has b
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