Amazing AMIGA Multichannel Music - MoSeZ - NNZ Collection #1
=Amazing AMIGA Multichannel Music=
Nikol Nazarov SymMOD Collection #1
Author: MoSeZ
00:00 Introduction
01:00 Gloomyness
08:26 Transit Zone
16:47 Lightyear
23:06 The Wind Is Whispering
30:09 Ambient
38:01 Dreams
44:01 Eclipse
51:33 Stratosphere
57:41 Antarctica
1:03:38 Close Your Eyes
1:10:16 Flying
1:16:00 Flowing Rivers
1:22:07 We Can Fly
1:28:31 Rollercoaster
1:34:17 The Moon & The Sea
Enjoy the music!
remember the request of MoSeZ - PLAY LOUD! :))
In 2000, I saved all the data from hdd of my real Amiga-1200. Now, searching through old archives,
I found and remembered that in 1997-1998 I downloaded from the Internet via dial-up :) a lot of demos
and music in SymMOD format for my favorite tracker Symphonie Pro256.
Having turned on the music using WINUAE emulator, I was surprised that even now thi
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