Hello my friends, this is Dr. Beter. Today is Oct. 29, 1977, and this is my Audio letter No. 27.

Fifteen years ago yesterday, on Oct. 28, 1962, America breathed a sigh of relief as the Cuban Missile Crisis ended in surrender by the Soviet Union. On that Sunday morning, Radio Moscow announced that all work on the offensive missile sites in Cuba was being stopped and that they would be dismantled under United Nations observation--so ended 6 days in which the world teetered visibly on the brink of nuclear war, thanks to a dangerous Soviet gamble. My three topics for today are: Topic #1--THE SOVIET PARTICLE BEAM AND KILLER SATELLITES; Topic #2--THE SPREADING ATOMIC PLAGUE CALLED LEGIONNAIRE’S DISEASE; and Topic #3--THE ENFORCED DISARMING OF AMERICA NOW UNDERWAY.
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