Escaping Calypso’s Island : Energy Wars

Watch ep. 1 here: Watch ep. 2 here: I am immensely happy to present to you all Ep. 3 “The Eye of the Storm: ENERGY WARS” of our Rising Tide Foundation ongoing Docu Series. I think this is our best episode thus far and its content is extremely important since it discusses the future well-being of us all. Out of all of the basic resources to our health and what contributes to the quality and longevity of our lives, energy is the most important basic resource that will determine our level of an empowered life vs a disempowered one. Without energy, we live largely poor and destitute lives. It is a fact that access to energy determines whether a nation and its people are considered living in a First World, Second World or Third World condition. Just the fact that we use such categorisations should reveal to us, how far we have come to accepting and even normalising that such categories exist and will
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