Slade ~ My Baby Left Me ~ Slade In England

Back from their failed 2 year sojourn in the States the band embarked on what was to become 3 years in the musical wilderness as they returned to a UK now devoid of their fan base that had deserted them in droves. In a backhanded ’omage to Elvis Presley who had recently kicked the bucket , the band released this track to test the water and found the water to be cold and dark. The track bothered the lower reaches of the chart in the UK and then vanished without trace, and so did the band as far as mainstream UK was concerned. It was however the start of the ’Old Guard’, the 500 or so fans nationwide that kept the faith and became even more hardcore with their love for the group. The band toured smaller venues, universities, clubs, anywhere they could get a booking, and the 500 did their bit and supported them whenever it was possible to do so. For many fans, this was a golden era, an era where Slade could barely get a radio play, a mention in the press or a TV slot, but they t
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