РамоЖ.-Ф.Ипполит и Арисия.Nationaltheater г.

РамоЖ.-Ф. Ипполит и Арисия. Aricie-Amelia Scicolone. Phèdre-Sophie Rennert. Oenone / Amour- Marie-Belle Sandis. Diane- Estelle Kruger. Hippolyte- Charles Sy. Thésée-Nikola Diskić. Tisiphone-Uwe Eikötter. Jupiter / Pluton-Patrick Zielke. First Fate-Christopher Diffey. Second Fate-Raphael Wittmer. Third Fate-Marcel Brunner. Opera Chorus of Nationaltheater Mannheim. Orchestra of Nationaltheater Mannheim. Conductor-Bernhard Forck. Nationaltheater Mannheim. 2021 г.
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