This #SponsoredSaturday is brought to you by GFUEL!! Go to and use my code GIBI for a limited time 30% off your order!!
LOLLLL thank you guys for submitting things you were experts in!! I think I did a great job explaining everything, personally…….. I’m just really really knowledgeable 😌
0:00 - Gfuel
1:41 - Intro
5:12 - Explaining Dr. Who
8:30 - Explaining the Clone Wars
12:00 - Explaining Sewing & Tailoring
16:11 - Explaining the Violin
19:02 - Explaining Competition Archery
22:50 - Explaining Psycho Analysis and How the Mind Works
27:20 - Explaining Astrophysics
30:10 - Explaining the plot of Spiderman No Way Home & the Multiverse
33:50 - Explaining the influence of Flemish Art on the Italian Renaissance
39:00 - Explaining Formula 1 Racing
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