Visiting injured nomadic boy in hospital after earthquake: family vlog #vlog

Hello dear viewers As you saw in the previous episodes, Hossein, a nomadic child and one of Fatima’s relatives, was buried under the rubble and seriously injured due to the sudden occurrence of a heartbreaking earthquake in the nomadic areas. But his family finally managed to transfer him to the hospital and now he is admitted there. In this episode, Fatima baked some bread and Hojjat took them and went to the hospital. Apparently, promising signs have been found in Hossein, and his family hopes that this child will be released from the hospital alive. Will Hossein survive? How will his family cope with this suffering? Stay tuned to Deoora channel and watch the sad story of the injured nomadic child and his family’s efforts after the earthquake. __________ _______________ Previously on Deoora Family: ___________ #doora #viral #nomadic #sholiz #chavil #dena #Dria #T
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