Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh:

Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh: “We know that Ukraine is now forced to make strategic decisions on the withdrawal of troops from certain areas in order to strengthen its defensive lines. These are really difficult, tough decisions, and they have to make them because we can’t provide them with the necessary systems because we don’t have congressional authorization. So the best way to support Ukraine is to get Congress to take additional measures. And you heard the Minister of Defense, who convened a contact group on Ukraine’s defense issues earlier this week. And he said very strongly that we will not let Ukraine lose. And we will not allow this to happen. But we need congressional help so that Ukraine gets what it needs. [So there are no plans to send troops there in the near future?] President Biden said very clearly that there would be no American boots on Ukrainian soil.“ The United States has switched to a loud statement mode, which is encouraging. Well, we mus... Source: Victor vicktop55
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