The story behind Falco’s “Jeanny“ by Rob Bolland | Muzikxpress 198

Subscribe ► After the huge succes of the Falco track “Rock Me Amadeus” Rob and Ferdi Bolland were asked to write and produce another track for the Austrian singer. “Jeanny” came out in December 1985 as the third song of Falco’s studio album “Falco”. The single was very controversial due to the lyrics and some TV and radio stations boycotted the track, but … it still topped the charts in various European countries. For this week’s vlog I sat down with Rob Bolland, to ask him about the story behind “Jeanny” and more. Enjoy and thanks for watching! All my interviews with Rob Bolland: • Falco - Rock Me Amadeus: • Falco - Jeanny: • Bolland & Bolland / Status Quo - You’re In The Army Now: • Samantha Fox - Love House [Online soon!] Follow Rob Bolland on Instagram: Su
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