~【りら】 シニカルナイトプラン 【踊ってみた】 - Niconico Video sm38345686

Nice to meet you thirty-two times! My name is Rira Crocodile’s cynical night plan! I aimed to be a strong and fragile girl. I can’t see it, but it’s a bird with earrings in a basket. The cute and rock choreography is wonderful! I couldn’t do it because I wasn’t used to rock like Wani-chan, so I arranged it so that only the head family could understand it, and added a lot of cute elements. I would be grateful if you could comment! 楽曲本家様 sm36563884 Ayase様 使用楽曲様 sm36676275 くろくも様 振付本家様 sm37092755 わに様 撮影編集 どらしま様 (@dorashimacat) ありがとうございました! りら(私のフリした私で良ければどうぞ) Twitter: マイリスト:mylist/65588271 02/28/2021 16:00 Views 1,778
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