50 Storms in one day in the Kaaba! Mecca is in mourning! The end of the world was captured on camera

The tempest descended upon Mecca with a force that took many by surprise, as the city, known for its arid climate, was engulfed in dark clouds that heralded the impending deluge. Pilgrims, gathered from around the world, were caught off guard as raindrops began to fall, a rarity in this sacred desert land. As the storm intensified, the iconic Kaaba, the focal point of Islam’s most sacred mosque, Al-Masjid al-Haram, stood stoically amidst the tumultuous weather. Devotees, clad in traditional white garments, sought refuge inside the mosque, seeking solace and protection from the elements. However, the storm took an even more dramatic turn as hailstones, unusual for the region, pelted down from the heavens. The rhythmic sound of hail hitting the ground echoed through the air, creating an eerie juxtaposition with the spiritual atmosphere that usually envelops the holy city. Images and videos circulated on social media captured the unprecedented scenes, with the Kaaba standing resilient ag
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