Computer Orchestra (1968)

No title - Computer composes music. Putney, London. M/S Peter Zinovieff walking to shed at bottom of garden and going inside. Interior shots showing shed filled with electronic equipment. C/U Zinovieff pressing keys, pan to instrument with keyboard for computing. C/U machine typing information. M/S Zinovieff pressing keys. C/U as he looks at printout. M/S of him in front of masses of equipment. C/U as he operates equipment which shows mass of switches and dials. C/U of waveform on screen. The strange electronic music created starts at this point. Camera zooms back to show the dials and flashing lights. C/U more dials and switches. M/S oscilloscope showing waveforms. C/U panel showing mass of plugs. C/U Zinovieff operating equipment. C/U the oscilloscope. C/U mass of switches. C/U a footage counter. C/U Zinovieff. C/U switches, pan to more. C/U recording tape. C/U lights. M/S Zinovieff operating the equipment. FILM ID:2071.3 A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRI
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