Dr. Amandha Dawn Vollmer: COVID is Already an Existing Chromosome in Your Body, Not a “Virus“

NO virus anywhere ever at any time has ever been genetically isolated anywhere ever on Earth! They do not exists outside of your body they are exosomes created by your body there are bacteria fungi and pathogens everywhere on earth if your body has a reactionary infection and someone near you gets the same thing it is because you were in the same place or the bacteria fungi or pathogenic toxin was on your clothes or in your hair... bacteria fungi and pathogens might cause an infection in your body but it is in your body and your body alone. YOU DO NOT GET OR GIVE INFECTIONS TO EACH OTHER BY IS STUPID WE WOULD ALL BE DEAD BY NOW. The only thing we spread to one another is antibodies to the said infection.. CELLULAR WAVES ELECTRICAL GRIDS AND POLLUTION ARE ALSO TOXINS. THE ROOT WORD FOR PHARMACOLOGY IS PHARMAKEIA IT TRANSLATES TO POISONER, MIXER OF POISON, DECEIVER, DRUG DEALER, SORCERER AND WITCHCRAFT. YOU CAN TRUST THEM IF YOU - read FULL descr here:
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