DEFENCE: World War 2: Republic of Ireland isolated by US and Britain (1944)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Military police keep close watch on border of Southern Ireland. Paramount reviews situation created by? Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Britain, U.S. Isolate Eire REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: EXT GV police stopping lorry on border near bridge. SV policeman looking at driver’s identity card LV policeman stopping pony driven cart. SV driver handing identity card to policeman. BV two U.S. soldiers walk towards border notice. CU notice “WD. AND OUT OF BOUNDS - . OFF LIMITS“. SV notice and sign “FORK LEFT FOR DUBLIN“ - U.S. M.P. standing beside notice. CU sign “FORK LEFT FOR DUBLIN“. (ROTA BLUE.) GTV O’Connel Street - . LV pan down . SV De Valera posing at . CU De Valera posing at . GV Irish . Pan
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