Песня-тренажер. Неправильные глаголы. 3 формы неправильных глаголов.

Текст песни: So I do (did; done) all I can (could; could), and I learn (learnt; learnt) the verbs and it didn’t feel good. I loose (lost; lost) hope. Nothing worked. It wasn’t right. And then I find (found; found) English with Experts website I fall (fell; fallen) in love with the rap song I sing (sang; sung) it all day ( I am jamming on) I make (made; made) huge progress I become (became; become) a pro in English - no stress I break (broke; broken) the vicious cycle I feel (felt; felt) like a Superman, yes I do! And I can now to go (went; gone) and live in London-town And I can deal (dealt; dealt) with any English-speaking clown I have (had; had) lots of fun learning verbs I know (knew; known) I can understand all blurbs If you think (thought, thought) you need to study Log onto website – you’ll be my buddy
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