Tracklist below. You can download this mix for FREE on my Patreon Page (Patron’s get early access):
Bop x Subwave - Higher Dimension VIP
Alpha Rhythm - Star Crossed
Wez Walker - The Woods
Neuron - Limited
Emba x Inigma - Heartbeat ft. Leah Rye
Aleyum and InTake - Take It Slow
Echomatics x Alpha Rhythm - Empty Promises
Aeron Aether & Aleyum - East Of Eden
Alpha Rhythm - Wardenfell
Shenji - Awakening
Mzcl - Promise Ring
Subwave - Odyssey
Dissident - Bathyscaphe
Alpha Rhythm, Natus & HumaNature - The Lost River (TBase Remix)
Phil Tangent - Corridor of Uncertainty
Monika &
... Akuratyde - All Eyes ft. Sam Heselwood
Maykors & Stimpy - I Can Stop
Alpha Rhythm, Villem & Leo Wood - Venus
Alpha Rhythm - Tranquility
CRSV & TS - Starfall
Dan Guidance - The Power of The Wind
Eternal Echo - Mojave
Twelve Step Audio - No Matter
CPH - All I Know
Qumulus - Moonlight
Alpha Rhythm & Ritual - Illusions
Alpha Rhythm & Ritual - Downcast (Aleyum Remix)
Alpha Rhythm x Bop x Shenji x Syglit x VCOLA x Monover x Outer Bass - Collective Unconsious
DPR & Witz - Little Time
Ben Rolo - Stasis ft. Kintsuku
CRSV & TS - Spiral
Blean - Euthanasia
Gemma Rose & Blue Frequency - Connected to You
Alpha Rhythm - Diamonds
Alpha Rhythm - Saturn
Archangel - Sound of Silence (Hiraeth Remix)
Archangel - The Witching Hour
Logistics - Okinawa
TS - Invisible
Dustkey & Styke - Is It So
Geety - Into The Moonight (VIP)
Liquefaction - Deepest Emotion
Maykors - For Nothing
Bigchoc - Memories ft. Robert Manos
Luciano - Late Night in Buenos Aires
Alpha Rhythm - Fourth Dimension (Maykors Remix)
Bop x Despot - Microfunk
Bop - Waterfall
Microfunk Crew - December ft. Robert Manos
Netsky & Jazmine Johnson - Hell in High Heels
Hyrah - Surplus
Alpha Rhythm & Luciano - Heaven in Me
Alpha Rhythm - Subwoofer Lullaby
Alpha Rhythm - Uranus
Bop x Subwave - Higher Dimension VIP
Alpha Rhythm - Jupiter
Alpha Rhythm - Orichalcum
Shimah - Swordfish
Alpha Rhythm & Ritual - Downcast
Alpha Rhythm & IYRE - Mercury
Outer Bass & Alpha Rhythm - Asteroidea
Outer Bass - Pillow Talk
Outer Bass - It’s Always Sunny in Outer Space
London Elektricity - Vapour Trails (LSB Remix)
pyxis - Lacuna (Auris Remix)
Alpha Rhythm - Earth
Ritual & Alpha Rhythm - Mote of Dust
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