Artist: Burzum
Track: Glemselens Elv
Album: Belus (2010)
Genre: Black Metal, Ambient
Country of origin: Norway
Original picture by magnusandersson
Burzum is the musical project of Norwegian musician and writer Varg Vikernes. Vikernes began making music in 1988, but it was not until 1991 that he recorded his first demos as Burzum. The word “burzum“ means “darkness“ in the Black Speech, a fictional language crafted by J. R. R. Tolkien. The project became a part of the early Norwegian black metal scene and one of the most influential acts in black metal.
Glemselens Elv
Med døen sol og måne
starter ferd til skyggenes hav.
Bjørnen vil bålferd bivåne.
Liket legges i steintung grav.
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